The Bible says that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled. We have had our first two HUNGER NIGHTS and I am praying that the Lord will work out the Timing for another one really soon. What an awesome time we had in the presence of the King of Kings. I was leading worship during both nights so I went back and listened to our FB live recording two times so far and the Holy Spirit really spoke to me about so many things that I desperately needed clarity on. That was miraculous for me-Thank you Jesus! God is so faithful and spoke to me so clearly through our not so perfect in any way recording on Facebook! Those of you that came know it was such a sweet time and I am so very thankful for the Lord speaking to Pastor Wes about having these nights. I really, really think that we need to keep having them! We committed to the Lord to have two, but I believe that God is up to something and we need to have another. Please Tell Pastor Wes if you agree at pastorwes@theprov.org! The link to the last Hunger night on September 22, 2019 is posted below.
I am Praying that you will Hunger to go after Jesus with all your heart, with all your soul and with All Your might AND that you will love your neighbor as you love yourself. You might say, that I don’t know your neighbor…. well, love them anyway even if they are not the best. Keep loving and keep trying to keep the peace. Let Jesus change your heart and speak to you today. There are many challenging people to be kind to! Let’s do this. Below is the link to the Hunger House web page where we will post the dates of any new HUNGER NIGHTS. Jesus is king and loves you so much even in your imperfections and your shortcomings. You don’t have to come to God perfect, in fact you will just never be perfect! The kingdom should have a sign No PERFECT people allowed! Just COME to HIM and bring your mess to HIM and let him move through your broken and flawed vessel! Until next time, keep chasing Jesus!- Pastor Becky