On America, the Beautiful
A nation in need
Our nation does not need a better economy
Nor more divisive talk of racial dichotomy
We need a change in our odd theology
That says God is fond of only my doxology
Or there is no God, because it’s all psychology
God is the source of love we all say we need
Yet, love is a choice not a feeling focused on me
There is a commitment in love stronger than death
A strength than cannot be bound by trivial mess
Love also has boundaries to keep us safe
It’s not an injustice to recognize our place
Each of us must know and embrace our role
If the mosaic patchwork of America is to be made whole
We are a country in need, there is no doubt
So, we must find a voice to God and cry out
The lost and the found joining together as one
Until we see the hope of all creation, the risen Son